Jan 29

Ok, I’m In – Day 19 – Matthew 14

Day Nineteen – Written by Pastor Carl Stephens 
Biblical Example: Peter (Matthew 14)
Prayer Focus: Economic Recovery

Matthew 14:22-33.  

There are many standout stories in the Bible, and Peter walking on the water is definitely one of those stories. When Jesus first called Peter, Peter had no idea the excitement he would experience along with a heaping dose of stress thrown in. 

To put it into context, John the Baptist had just been beheaded by Herod, which I’m sure caused the Disciples of Christ to wonder, “what’s going to happen next?”. 

That question, looming at the forefront of our minds, is capable of causing major stress. All we have to do is recall the 9-11 tragedy and the news of jet planes flying into the Twin Towers, followed by planes crashing into the Pentagon. By this time, all of us were thinking “what’s going to happen next?”. 

That very thought of, “what’s next?” caused the President of the United States to order all planes to land immediately. What happened that day will be forever forged into the minds of those that experienced it. 

Peter must have often thought, ”what’s next?”. Yes, we, like Peter, are going to experience the challenges of life, as well as the excitement of handing out the loaves and the fish to feed thousands of people just a few hours before he walks on water. 

In 2020, in the month of March, I for one was in the midst of a mini meltdown. The decision to close the church’s in-person services right before Easter was about more than I could deal with mentally, but only a short time later, I, along with hundreds of you, were handing out the loaves and fish to the people of our very own church and community. It actually provided one of the most exciting events I think I’ve ever been a part of: celebrating moms on Mother’s Day with free meals for each family, along with a rose with chocolate thrown in. 

Now, let’s go back to PETER. Right after handing out those loaves and fish, he enters a boat with the disciples and heads across the Sea of Galilee. A storm arises, which often did, and the waves begin to crash against the boat. It’s sometime after 3AM in the morning. It had been an exciting day, but an equally exhausting night, attempting to row across this Sea with strong contrary winds. The darkness of night can cause flashes of fear and this night on the water would be no exception. The disciples see what appears to be a ghost. (In actuality, it’s Jesus coming to the rescue, walking on the water.) 

Only God knows why PETER asked Jesus to command that he come to him walking on the water. Maybe it was the dreariness of the late night hour with a spark of excitement of having seen Jesus perform a miracle by  multiplying the loaves and fish Jesus simply said to Peter come. At that moment, Peter made the decision, “OK. I’m in. … I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but, “ I’m in.”

Today, Jesus is telling each one of us to come. You may be weary like Peter, but memories of miracles float through your mind of what Jesus has done in the past (and WILL DO again). The spirit within us calls us to respond. Like Peter, we don’t always know what’s going to happen when we respond and say, “I’m in.” 

Peter may be remembered as the disciple whose faith failed as he began to slip under the surface of the waves, but many of us don’t even have enough faith to follow God out onto the water. You may experience a few slips of faith but saying, “I’m in,” will cause someone to remember you. Don’t ever forget as you say, “OK, God. I’m in,” that there are only two people in all the course of history that ever walked on water. Who knows? You may be the third. What waters is God calling your faith out to?  It’s time to say, “OK. “I’m in.”