Oct 19

DAY 15 – Isaiah 1:17

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”

Isaiah 1:17

 As we head into week three of our 21-day journey and petition for God to “heal our land,” as our theme verse speaks about, this week we’re focusing on political needs in our nation. Isaiah instructs us to “do good; seek justice; correct oppression.”

There are many different kinds of social injustice. Society is plagued with racial discrimination, gender inequality, refugee crisis. If we were to make an exhaustive list of every issue, it would be overwhelming – depressing, even. But good thing for us, we serve a God who is bigger than every problem we could ever face. The solution to these injustices is Jesus. Today, let’s pray for God to open up opportunities for authentic conversation, effective policy change, and genuine favor with officials. As Christians, we must “bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause,” and the only way to do that is with Jesus.

Daily Prayer Focus: Social Injustice