Jan 22

Ok, I’m In – Day 12 – Judges 6-8

Day Twelve – Written by Pastor Alice Stephens
Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6-8)
Daily Prayer Focus: Schools (Students & Educators)

God told Gideon to do what seemed impossible: fight an army too big to count with only 300 soldiers of his own!

Most of us can identify with Gideon… He didn’t “think” he had the ability to win the battle, but God had a plan… God always has a plan.  His plan is always best even though it might not make sense to our human mind in the moment. 

God does not look on the outward appearance or past abilities and accomplishments when He asks us to obey. We cannot pick and choose the parts we want to obey. If Gideon had not obeyed the plan God laid out for him, he would’ve been defeated. Gideon decided to go “in” with God’s plan in obedience to God’s word. In spite of his past, his position in life, his doubts and his fears, he trusted God’s plan. God was patient with Gideon and He will be patient with you.

  • A recipe will not produce tasty results if we leave out certain ingredients.
  • We cannot build a house by starting with the roof; we must start with the foundation.
  • We can fast, but if we do not pray and read the word of God, the results will be limited.

Proper steps must be followed to get the desired result, no matter what we do in our lives. The same is true for our walk with God. If we want peace, if we want joy, if we want victory, we must decide to be “in”- not partially, not halfway, not 99% … but 100% “in”. 

Gideon said, “OK. I’m in!” His simple act of deciding to obey the instructions God had given him brought victory and triumph over all the enemies!!!

Have you said, “OK. I’m in!” to obeying the word of God?  If you want to say ‘yes’ to God’s plans, simply pray right now and tell the Lord you want to do everything His way.  Tell Him, “Ok. I’m in!”

If you would like help learning God’s instructions for your life, join one of our “Foundations” classes, which can be found at faithassembly.org/grow.