Jan 14

OK, I’m In – Day 4 – 1 Samuel 3

Day Four  – Pastor Kaimana Gonzalez


Biblical Example: Samuel (1 Samuel 3)

Prayer Focus: Your Purpose (Calling)

Do you ever feel as if it’s RARE to hear God’s voice, the same way it was described at the beginning of this chapter (1 Samuel 3)? 

We all go through seasons where we may lack vision and may feel distant from God’s direction (although His word tells us He is never far from us). Fasting breaks down those barriers and rids us of the distractions of normal life, which always results in more clarity and hearing God’s voice more often. God wants to tell you about the plans He has for you. He doesn’t withhold our purpose, conceal our callings, or cause us confusion. In reality, He is always speaking. But the question is: are we hearing Him? And are we willing to respond to His voice the way Samuel did? 

Keeping this in mind, today we invite you to pray over your purpose and calling, even if you feel that you don’t know exactly what it is God has for you. The truth is that He DOES have plans for you. They’re good plans to prosper you and not to harm you. They’re plans to give you hope and a future! And if you’re ready to hear, respond and act, then be bold today! As you approach His throne with confidence, just like Samuel said, tell Him “Speak, for your servant is listening.”